Author Archives: skipcheesman

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Will Dental Implants really help you? Let’s see what the Clinical results say?

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Dental implant treatment is the gold standard and preferred method of tooth replacement, with the best long-term success rates and is considered cost-effective as wellness.

Tooth Loss to Bone Loss

Natural tooth roots are embedded in the jawbone, providing a stable foundation that allows the teeth to properly function. When teeth are lost or removed, the bone that previously supported those teeth begins to deteriorate, or resorb, meaning the bone “melts away”. Dental implants help to prevent this kind of bone loss.

How Dental Implants Preserve Bone

Dental implants are a substitute for tooth roots. Similar to natural tooth roots, the implant will stimulate the bone, thereby preserving it and preventing the bone resorption that generally results in tooth loss.

Complete Tooth Loss Leads to Facial Structure Collapse

When all of the teeth are missing, the jaw bones deteriorate rapidly. In addition, as the bone weakens, the muscles migrate or pull back from their natural position. As facial support is lost from the weakened muscles and bone, the lips cave in and wrinkles increase dramatically.

Documented Clinical Results

Studies demonstrate that dental implants are 95 -98% successful for 40 to 50 years. Long-term outcomes depend on various conditions, such as the general health of the patient, the quality and quantity of available bone, the number of teeth replaced and the type of replacement teeth.

Once an implant is placed to substitute for the natural tooth root, a crown is added to restore the natural beauty of the original tooth. Studies comparing the success rates of implants versus other tooth replacement alternatives such as bridges clearly demonstrate that it is more successful to replace a single missing tooth with an implant and crown. These studies also indicate that even if the adjacent teeth need crowns, it is far more successful long-term to place individual crowns on these teeth rather than tying them into a bridge.

  1. Dental implants are 95% to 98% successful for 40 to 50+ years.
  2. Success rates for dental implants do not decrease over time.
  3. Success rates for bridges decrease steadily after 10 years.
  4. At 15 years, 1 in 3 bridges will typically fail.
  5. If root canal treated teeth support the bridge, success rates decrease even further.
  6. There are fewer complications with implants than bridges.

Above all, find the best dentist for dental implant surgery and follow their advice. Expert dentists will be able to provide more details about your individual treatment options.


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Surprising connection between your Oral and Physical Health

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Your mouth is the gateway to your body

The state of your mouth plays an important role in your overall health. Your mouth can tell you a lot about the health of your body. The mouth acts as a mirror to show signs of disease.
The fuel for the body enters through the mouth. Its primary gateway for most of the infections that affect the health.

Bacteria transfer from mouth into the body

Poor dental care leads to bacteria buildup on teeth this makes gums and teeth prone to infection. The immune system moves in to attack the infection causing the gums to become inflamed. The inflammation continues unless the infection is addressed and the source of the infection gets cared for.

Over time, inflammation and the chemicals releases eat away at the gums and bone structure that hold teeth in place. The result is severe gum disease, known as periodontitis. Inflammation can also cause problems in the rest of the body.

In truth, oral bacteria enter the body in a number of ways. Bad oral bacteria can be swallowed. Because the body has been in cleanse cycle all night and saliva hasn’t been circulating, the highest levels of oral bacteria are ingested when we take our first swig of water in the morning.

Oral and facial pain.

Oral and facial pain are caused by infection of this could be a gum infection or an infection of the teeth. tha. Gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease, and advanced gum disease affect more than 75% of the U.S. population.

Diseases can develop as a result of oral infections

With the constant advancements in science and the new methods of identifying the causes of various diseases, scientists keep discovering more and more links between our oral health and overall health.

Many studies have found bacteria that entered the body through the mouth to be responsible for the following diseases:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream and attack the friendly bacteria in your gut. And that’s when your digestive issues begin to worsen.

Breast cancer
Women may be 11 times more likely to develop breast cancer due to lack of good oral care.

Serious gum disease may have the potential to affect blood glucose control and contribute to the progression of diabetes.

Cardiovascular disease
Stroke, heart attack, infective endocarditis, and thickening of the arteries can occur due to poor oral health.
When bacteria reach the heart, they can attach themselves to any damaged area and cause inflammation.

Bacterial pneumonia
Bacterial infections in the chest are believed to be caused by breathing droplets from the mouth and throat into the lungs can cause bacterial pneumonia.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Some research shows those who had moderate to severe periodontitis had more than twice the risk of RA compared to those with mild or no periodontitis.

Few points to practice good oral hygiene

  • Brush twice a day for at least two minutes, using fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Floss daily to remove plaque from places your toothbrush can’t reach.
  • Eat a healthy diet to provide the nutrients necessary (vitamins A and C, in particular) to prevent gum disease.
  • Visit the dentist regularly for cleanings and exams. This is one of the most effective ways to detect the early signs of any dental disease.

Don’t forget to provide your dentist with a complete medical history and inform of any recent health developments, even if they seem unrelated to your oral health.

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How to keep your braces clean?

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Proper Care of your Braces is crucial for successful Orthodontic Treatment

Are you currently wearing braces or thinking of getting braces? Here are the some important tips that you need to remember to keep your braces clean and your teeth and gums healthy.

1. Keeping your teeth clean is always important but it’s even more important when you have braces! Food bits have more spots to hide in your mouth, so you must be diligent in order to avoid bad breath, swollen gums, discolored teeth and cavities.

2. It’s highly recommended that you invest in an electric toothbrush when going through orthodontic treatment. Proper flossing techniques is also very important make sure your orthodontist teaches you how to use floss threaders. It’s highly recommended to brush after every meal, but we know sometimes this isn’t always possible. If you are eating out somewhere and you can’t brush, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.

3. When you brush, brush one tooth at a time and pay careful attention to areas where you have brackets. Make sure to get around all angles of the tooth and braces.

4. Don’t forget the chewing surface and be sure to clean along your gum line, this is a key spot for plaque to build up.

5. Removing plaque regularly during treatment is important. Talk to your Hygienist about adding additional cleanings through treatment in addition to your home care.

6. Use mouthwash this helps keep you mouth and gums clean and reduces plaque. Mouthwash use helps because the liquid can pass through the very small spaces in your teeth, over and under your braces.

7. Proper follow up with your orthodontist is key to successful treatment.

If you need help finding the right orthodontist for you, feel free to contact our office – we’d love to help!

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Two super food to strengthen kids teeth

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Brushing, flossing, and avoiding sugary treats help maintain good oral health. When it comes to building strong teeth there are two important foods to make sure your kids incorporate daily into their diets. Dairy products are good for oral health as well as overall health, and it’s vital for bone health as well.

Dairy products contain abundant amounts of calcium ,this helps in making the teeth strong by strengthening the enamel and the lactic acid in these can kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Dairy products help in raising the pH levels in the mouth and reduce the effects of the acids produced by dental plaque. Additionally, the raised pH levels prevent tooth decay and cavities too.

Dairy Products #1 Milk

Your kids teeth get stronger and healthier when they drink milk , because it contains calcium. Calcium protects your teeth against periodontal (gum) disease and keeps your jaw bone strong and healthy.

Besides calcium, milk is also rich in phosphorus and magnesium, and is fortified with Vitamin D which helps your body absorb and use calcium more effectively.

Avoid giving your kids flavored milk as they contain a high amount of sugar which reduces the health benefits.

Dairy Products #2 Cheese

Cheese is a good source of calcium, which healthy kids need to strengthen teeth and bone and also contains many more nutrients that make kids healthy.

The fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin K2 help absorb and place calcium in teeth and bones.

Another reason why cheese is great for your kid’s health is probiotic bacteria which helps in strengthening teeth by living in your child’s oral microbiome. Cheese is created through the fermentation of milk and a well-treated cheese is full of probiotic bacteria. This bacteria is known to prevent tooth decay by stopping the growth of harmful bacteria.

Maintain a regular visit to dentist for pediatric dental checkup and please don’t hesitate to contact us for any queries, we would be happy to help you.

It’s time to raise a glass of milk and say “Cheese!”.

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Oral health during pregnancy

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During pregnancy overall health including your oral health is important. Between decorating the nursery and visiting your OB-GYN, also visit your dentist for a checkup!

It’s important to maintain a good home care routine.

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day
  • Floss at least everyday
  • Rinse after snacks and meals
  • Visit the dentist every 6 months, maybe more frequently during pregnancy
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet
  • Teeth Whitening While Pregnant, because use of tooth whitening products that contain or generate hydrogen peroxide results in release of in- organic mercury from dental amalgams, these products should be avoided during pregnancy by patients who have amalgam restorations.

Citation: Al-Salehi SK. Effects of bleaching on mercury ion release from dental amalgam. J Dent Res 2009;88(3):239-43.

During pregnancy you may experience morning sickness. The stomach acid can coat the teeth when you vomit, which can cause dental erosion and increase the risk of tooth decay.

  • If you vomit, rinse your mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water to stop acid from attacking your teeth.
  • In some instances, morning sickness and vomiting/reflux may contribute to the onset of perimyolysis, an erosion of the lingual surfaces of the teeth caused by exposure to gastric acids.
  • A pregnant adolescent experiencing morning sickness or gastroesophageal reflux should be instructed to rinse with a cup of water containing a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and to avoid tooth brushing for about one hour after vomiting to minimize dental erosion caused by stomach acid exposure.
  • Women should be advised about the high sugar content and risk for caries associated with long term frequent use of over the counter antacids.

Is it Safe to Visit the Dentist While Pregnant?

Yes, absolutely! Let your dentist know that you’re expecting as soon as possible. Tell them how far along you are and about any medications you are taking when you arrive at your appointment. Getting regular dental checkups during pregnancy is safe and important for both you and your baby.

Can you get dental work done while pregnant?

Dental work while pregnant, such as cavity fillings and root canals, should be treated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. Numbing medications your dentist may use during the procedure are also completely safe you and your unborn baby.

Oral Hygiene Routine

With proper hygiene at home and professional help from your dentist, your teeth should remain healthy throughout your pregnancy.

Content reference are from various sources. Oral Health Topics Pregnancy – American Dental Association, Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A National Consensus Statement, American Academy Of Pediatric Dentistry, Keeping your mouth healthy during pregnancy – American Dental Association,CDC Pregnant & Radiation fact sheet.

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Sports and Oral Health

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A solid workout is one of the more valuable contributions just about anyone can make for health. Your weight, your mood, your entire quality of life is improved with physical exercise.

Sugary energy bars and drinks, consumed steadily over the course of a long work-out and the stage is set for tooth decay. Sugar converts to glucose which speedily fuels muscles with extra energy during races and training.

Saliva is one of the mouth’s strongest natural defenses against tooth decay and gum disease. Lower saliva rates after workout, decrease the mouth’s ability to fight acid-forming bacteria, and keep itself clean. Teeth are now left defenseless to the effects of the acid produced by sugar-fueled bacteria.

Few tips that can really change the equation:

  • Stay hydrated and  consider increasing your salt intake, which enables your body to retain water.
  • Choose your energy bars and drinks carefully.
  • Rinse your mouth with water if you must quick-fuel with sugary bars and drinks.
  • Ask our staff about sealants and fluoride treatments. Let us know that you are an endurance athlete and we can discuss ways to help you prevent tooth decay from getting started.
  • Brush and floss at least twice a day.  If your mouth is feeling especially rank after exercise, brush and floss then, too.

However, oral diseases are preventable by simple interventions with good evidence of efficacy.


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5 Dental Care Tips to Keep your Mouth Healthy If You’re Over 60

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1. Brush your teeth often

When you are in 60’s your teeth and gums inevitably have more wear and tear on them than when you were younger.

Be aware of your oral health, and take the necessary steps to keep your teeth and gums clean. At our Advanced Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we recommend that you brush your teeth twice a day.

Brush gently and thoroughly, brushing too hard or using a toothpaste that is too abrasive can actually wear down your teeth enamel, which isn’t good.

2. Keep your removable dentures clean

Many senior citizens are opting to replace their removable dentures with a fixed denture or dental implants (more on that below). However, if you currently wear a removable denture, it’s important to clean it daily, since any bacteria or debris on your denture will likely come into contact with your gums, which could increase your chances of getting gum disease.

Even if you already have gum disease, you still want to care for your dentures appropriately, as gum disease can quickly accelerate into a more advanced stage called periodontal disease, which can, in turn, lead to a wide variety of health issues.

3. Avoid dry mouth, stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is not only important for your overall health, it’s important for your dental health as well.

Moistening your food also helps to avoid dry mouth. Moisten all dry foods with broth, sauces, milk or melted butter. Since your salivary glands aren’t producing enough saliva, this will make it easier to chew and swallow.

4. Floss every day

Make flossing a habit, yet many people don’t do it. Most estimates show as adults who floss daily between 30-50%. Flossing removes small food particles, debris, and bacteria from between your teeth which would, in turn, make your mouth clean.

If you’re over the age of 60, and you’ve never made flossing part of your daily oral hygiene routine, get started now.

5. Missing one or more teeth, Get your dental implants now

Many senior persons are missing one or more teeth as a result of neglect or poor dental hygiene, and some cases, it can simply be attributed to wear and tear over the years, as well as genetics.

Dental implants are an ideal solution for many people over the age of 60, if you would like to learn more, Visit our page -Dental Enquiry

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Bad Breath

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How often should you visit a dentist?

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